Following writing is the invitation to join our events in the Month of September
Sunday 15th . : Awakening to change – Workshop about the inherent nature of Consciousness Shift
Friday 27th—Sunday 29th : Lemurian Home-coming: 3-days gathering of Cosmic Embrace
Please, check out the text, and scroll at the bottom of the article for additional technical informations.
Awakening to change
If you ever came across some of the Native American tales/scriptures, you might be familiar with their prophecies of Star people and their return on Earth, signified by the Blue star kachina. Or some similar concepts that entered into the New Age philosophy with the idea of Starseeds, the process of Planetary Ascension and The Event…
Maybe it’s just the feeling of something big coming, a sense of anticipating the inter-dimensional Shift that is carried within you.

What is truly going on?
It’s been predicted by various spiritual traditions for a long time, and those prophecies are the living filaments of our own human lives.
It’s happening right here, in this moment, in front of our own eyes:
People coming from the stars. Remembrance of human inherent divine nature. Transformation of power structures on the planet.
And eventually also the collapse, gradual demise of grasping energies, and disintegration of the old “Matrix system”.
Followed by the re-activation of the Crystalline Grid, the resurrection of the Heaven on Earth…

We forgot, and it’s time to remember.
Living in this dense environment of the Earth-plane for a continuous amount of incarnations tends to place a thick filter, when it comes to re-activating more of the subtler frequencies within one’s Soul template. But hey, what if it’s actually the only thing that’s really going on? Discovering the real You, the vast cosmic being underneath it all...
You just have to peel through the layers of reactivity towards all that is seemingly going on on the surface level of human life. And then, the dots of your own multidimensional template are ready to start connecting. It doesn’t happen overnight, neither is it about attending a powerful ceremony that will magically open you to the inner/outer world. Rather it’s about a continuous practice of bringing more of yourself into this live, embodying more of your authentic vibration and sharing real You within the given environment.

It’s actually pretty straightforward, but far from it being easy. As a starsoul, one normally didn’t sign up for an easy live. However, learning to mitigate through the challenges of this human existence ought to transform your live in the most miraculous ways.
Cosmic Embrace & Forest Sanctuary
Since my initial spiritual awakening, more than a decade ago, I’ve been on a journey of recognizing and composing the bigger picture of the planetary movement. It’s been an inner journey that led me across different places in this world, and to connect with some of the niche spiritual organizations & individuals that are engaged in working with the energetic backbone of our shared reality construct. My inner journey eventually transpired as Cosmic Embrace, offering the perspectives of higher-dimensional awareness upon the topics of the collective Shift in Consciousness. At the same time, the energies of Cosmic Embrace were anchored through the portal of the Forest Sanctuary, a wooden structure made in the backyard of the woods that I am living in. The Consciousness of Trees turned out to be the Guardian of my own awakening journey and was eager to nestle also within the container of the energy work that is offered to people through my presence.

You can read more about my own awakening journey and the energies of Cosmic Embrace in the story of the Forest Sanctuary. It’s captured in the e-book that you can access here for a symbolical fee supporting the maintenance of this virtual space:
(alternatively you can also e-mail us, and I'll simply send you a pdf version)
Reactivation of the Stargate
The inception of the framework of Cosmic Embrace in this reality, came through the assistance of Star-being nations. Together with Gaia, they reflect the remembrance of the multidimensional template that is carried within individual human Souls. Whilst fully stepping into the custodianship of the ancestral land, I started to envision the idea of a harmonized movement in the energy field that is able to build momentum and bring greater coherency to the collective starseed movement. Establishing a deeper connection with the archetypal parents of our current human existence turned out to be a Pathway towards reconnecting with the universal Mother/Father principles and reigniting the remembrance of the Cosmic cradle. This eventually enabled me to fully open towards embodiment of the personal mission on this plane – serving as the cosmic emissary, conduit of Source energies whilst facilitating the transition of Consciousness towards middle realm in 5, 6, 7D.
That’s how Cosmic Embrace responded towards hearing the call of Gaia, and opened towards radiating the cosmic frequencies, by establishing an inter-dimensional portal. It represents a vortex of energy, a gateway of some sort, that binds location in the physical plane with the energy of greater stellar/celestial constellations. The awareness of reactivating the “Stargate of Cosmic Embrace” landed for me just as we were completing the summer gathering in the Forest Sanctuary.
For me, the story of Cosmic Embrace is merely a powerful metaphor of actual changes that are just starting to transpire on the surface of our planet.

Collapse of the (old) power structures
Even in spiritual circles, when speaking about the planetary ascension trajectory/New Earth energies, the magnitude of changes and it’s rippling effect in light of modern society, seems to be often overlooked. When we are speaking about reactivation of particular Stargate locations & individual templates, it actually means shifting the basic structure of reality that we as human beings became so accustomed with. There is no simple way to explore the nature of deception that has blinded the vision of humankind for millennials.
Yet throughout the global events of last years it became clear that the nature of the manipulative and controlling energies that keep the veil of human existence in place, eventually reached their gradual demise and are close to the expiry date.
As part of the controlling energies became embedded in the human DNA through the creational process of the Homo sapiens, it is of immaculate importance to recognise its influence in our human lives. That's how people become able to inject it out of their own fields and open up for the authentic infusion of their Soul frequencies.

Yes, those controlling energies established governing power structures and hierarchical order as a mean of societal expression. They were the ones initiating the closing down of the primordial energetic connections, establishing a planetary network of interfering energies by building “sacred objects” on those locations. With pyramids as the primary example of “their advanced technology”, they continue to harvest the free flow of universal energy and use it to dampen the awakening spirit of the human species. Their ultimate line of defense doesn’t seem to have changed, their hope might still be in infiltrating the spiritual movements. Even twisting the idea of awakening & ascension, there are enough awakened individuals that are able to see through the distorted practices brought forth in modern spiritual ceremonies.
The last attempt of the controllers – smart technology and infiltrating the spiritual movements
In my observation, what scares them the most is the simple idea of sharing the truth about their existence and what’s truly going on in our human lives. It didn’t come as a surprise to me, nevertheless I noticed more interfering energies drawing closer to the framework of Cosmic Embrace, since I started sharing the depth of our work with more people. They come with the subtle tendency to offer more “advanced spiritual work” if they were to be included in the process. But the challenge is that their notion of “advanced spiritual work” includes bypassing of the actual trauma that is stored within the living beings of the Earth-plane. Instead it offers some “smart like” solutions, like countless apps that continue to desensitize people from internally feeling what’s actually going on.

If I am to share a practical example – why would you join the event that asks you to be completely honest with yourself and take full ownership about your human expereince, if you can instead join the “cacao ceremony” and celebrate the fool moon energies with an ecstatic dance?
It might be, that you will hear the truth about the Moon and it’s resurgent role of being a portal of controlling energies harnessing the emotional field of awakening people. This might actually urge you to have to step out of the imposed field of “collective New Earth”, which gave you a sense of belonging and purpose within a particular spiritual community.
No, we are not all going to collectively ascend to the New Earth. That is probably one of the myths that gets debunked early on, when starting to interact with the energies embedded in the Forest Sanctuary. Here, in the woods of Cosmic Embrace, we take the idea of "New Earth" as the entry point towards the reactivation of your own multidimensional template.
Bodhisattva & nature of Starseeds
As I am writing about the scope of the planetary changes, I am reminded about Bodhisattvas as described in the Buddhist philosophy. They are normally referred to as enlightened beings, who have put off entering paradise in order to help others attain enlightenment.
Listen to the simple chant & song that is meant to awaken bodhisattva in you and notice how it makes you feel:
In order to convey the energy of Bodhisattva, I would actually like to extrapolate this idea on a greater, cosmic scale. When it comes to the actual nature of inter-dimensional Shift I like to describe “starseeds” as waiters on the banquet of planetary ascension. Since being incarnated on the planet, they have to sprout their own divine seed through their human journey and awaken the essence of it. And at the same time, their individual journey serves as the pointer in the direction upon which others can follow. That is the nature of way-showers, or one can simply call it Path finders towards new reality.
The actual role of Starseeds as seen by Cosmic Embrace
How about processing the stagnant energies within the 4D karmic layer of a false societal indoctrination by getting momentarily lost in the world of academia? Or let's consider incarnating in the ancestral lines with a strong religious background, to progressively break through the barriers of deception...? What about reigniting the use of intuitive language as a mean to activate higher-dimensional awareness? Let's awaken the sound frequencies of your own light language...

I wish to share some of the perspectives that are the foundational layer of our work at Cosmic Embrace. It’s meant to address the yearning that is collectively felt within the awakening population, and serve as a way of liberation.
We, as spiritual beings, didn’t come here to fix a reality that is built on a premise of Separation. The fixing of that, which has been stolen since the times of the original human experience in an Epoch of Lemuria, can not happen on the same level it persisted.
The main essence of starsouls being here is not in developing advanced technological/spiritual practices as a mean to build a new society. We are not here to offer solutions to a world that is not actually looking for them and continoue to cause great(er) harm to most of the sentient life on the planet.
We are here to offer an extended hand to a world that is transitioning and to console the end of an Epoch, the completion of a cycle, and invite Souls that are ready to enter life in the New Paradigm. We are here to signify the arrival of "End times", honour the pain, joy and nostalgic memories about the reality that is ending.
We are here to remind people about their inherent spiritual nature, reactivate the memories of greater galactic family and remind people how to awaken those connections within themselves.
And for all of us being here, as human beings, it's also the invitation to acknowledge the journey of Gaia and assist in her own Shift towards higher-densities of Consciousness. It is to honour her part and role that she undertook in this greater epiphany of cosmic proportions.
I am aware, that some of those perspectives might come with bitter-sweet realizations, especially if there was a part of you invested in trying to fix the old reality and keep it in place. If this might be the case, I would invite you to attend our meetings. We are working in embracing the tension that might naturally arise as part of the human operating system, when faced with the scope of the greater planetary mission.

Awakening of the Crystalline structures within You
There is actually something very special about your existence on the Earth-plane. Since you somehow made it to the webpage of Cosmic Embrace and were able to scroll down through the big part of this text, it might be a calling of your own emergence as the spiritual being within this realm. What might be some of the Gifts encoded in your unique expression and how might they become active in your daily life?
We will be discovering more about the greater scheme of planetary events, recognizing the nuances of our individual callings, and aligning with the movement of Gaia in the upcoming events of Cosmic Embrace. Do you feel intrigued about connecting with the energies of the Forest Sanctuary and tap into the reactivation of the Stargates within your own template?
Join us on Sunday 15th September, on the workshop called - Awakening to change. We will be discovering more about the inherent nature of Consciousness Shift and how does it influence our individual human lives.
Looking forward to connect with you 🙏
miha 🌳
Logistics: gathering takes place at the Space by the Forest, Ljubecna pri Celju
Sunday 15.09. at 11 am – 6.00 pm
during the Sanctuary meeting, there will be a comfortable lunch break with shared table and food; participants are invited to join
Participation fee: Within the project Garden of Life, we have great opportunity of offering daily events on the donation basis. At the event, participants will be asked to contribute simply according to their own wish and capacity of energy exchange
Applications: Please confirm your application by sending us an e-mail to or simply fill in the following form. (when clicking the link you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page). Afterwards, we’ll send you the message with more details about the event.