Madagascar part III
Grid work, sacred symbols, crown activation
Travelling through Madagascar means, that one is going to spend considerable amount of time on the road. Distances among towns are measured in hours, potentially days, depending on driving momentum & state of the vehicle.
Whilst on the road, the reflection of the spiritual journey that we are on, becomes even more tangible. Even though we might appear as tourist on this Parh, there is the element of grid/field work - that guides our journey. This has been my honest reflection to locals asking me about the nature of our trip. I’m usually invited to tell them, that we are here to “do some work”. Especailly the guides in National Parks seem to be intriguied by energy work that is blended through my connection with nature.
That’s why, I feel to write more about what does it mean to travel multidimensionally and how is it being reflected on our journey. The best way to convey the nature of this travels might be through some photo journal.
Our first tuk-tuk drive on the Island reminded us about one of the most important elements on the adventure.
In this particular vehicle even the numerology speaks strongly. 28+32 equals 60, that is the Soul number from my numerology chart. It's definitely a continous leson of patience, as the Soul is eqalising with the density of the environment, that I find myself in.
When visiting National Parks we utilized public "taxi brousse" so far. Our first drive showed us, what we are invited to bring to the forefront of our experience and out into the world.
Truth & Confiance wins the day, again backed up with numerology.
"How are we going to do this?", seems to be my question when Universe presents me with some tasks of metaphysical nature.
Trees always represents some anchor for myself and this one, reminded me to stay grounded.
"Deepen into your roots", I heard him saying - whilst I was embraced in his presence.
Hannah figured out, that I'm often times connecting with roots of the trees or just hanging around them. That mango tree offered me some shelter, as we were waiting to depart from Ankrafantsika.
It has settled some of my human needs and prepared for the journey onwards. That was the parting gesture, as we were headed South towards the town of Antsirabe.
We also used some taxi services. When passing through the capital for the second time, I was invited to make peace with the past (and my first experience of that city).
Shalom & Classic Renault IV. Some messages tends to be universal, covering 4 corners of the globe. It's been nice feeling to drive in one of that kind after decades...
Travelling through that "portal in time" & enhanced sense of connection with roots we reached our next accomodation. The soap that awaited us in the bathroom, revealed what we are invited to do.
It's about time to activate crown chakra, that would enable the sense of protection. Normally I would prefer to use the word guardianship, but sometimes the articulation of higher-dimensional energies comes on it's own accord. It's always with some reason, as we were about to find out later...
Lac di Tri triva turned out to be simply outstanding spot, nestled with the Pine Trees. We reached it by bycycles and after connection with some trees we find beautiful spot for meditation. There we could anchor the sense of Cosmic Embrace and call in the frequencies of some star being nations. Words can't truly match the Magic of the place, But here are some photos.
Hannah, really opening through the Crown. Let's bring in some light.
And I felt to swim over to the other side and connect with those rocks as well. Depth of the lake should be 160m - it feels special to connect in that way.
When engaging in grid work on the land some of the ethereal connection might be actually felt. However, there needs to be some reflection in the environment - might there be some shifts in the environment. Our journey back truly seemed to me like passing through another dimension.
That spectrum of light actually got reflected in colors. Hannah seems to be completely mesmerized by that rainbow arch.
Speaking of "other-worldly" landscape...
On our way back we also got some crystal stones, since they are found in that area. It felt appropriate to anchor some of the energy in that way, forming a bridge through the mineral kingdom. Just before reaching the society - some realignment obviously needed to happened as Hannah lost her balance on the bike. It was literally through tears of sweat & blood, that we returned to the original place.
Eventually we had to embrace also more "human part", that aske for some food. We ended up in some Italian restaurant, and were happy to find the variety of colours on our plates.
Look also at the geometric forms of the dishes. I enjoyed the sense of order, that came with the food...
Afterwards we continued our journey towards another national park of Ranomafana, that is located in the rainforest.
On the way there, we were accompanied by Christ Consciousness. That was reflected with the people, songs on the Radio and vehicles (eventually I stopped taking photos of vans..). There seem to be strong invitation in aligning it's counterpart, that of Magdalen energies and harmonise the balance between divine masculine&feminine energies.
Also Andromedans send us some greetings in reaching our accomodation within the park, that seemed to settle our tone more with the starseed frequencies.
As the greetings in rainforest, we came across this beautiful datura flowers in pink color.
Crown seems to open naruraly, as we change the environment from city into nature. It feels like we are invited to lean even more towards our intuitive side, as we continue the journey.
And finally I was guided to the local stadium in the village to see the socer game. Besides 22 players playing the game, there were also some ducks enjoying the field. I would have never imagined to see those aspects of my personality connected in one Game.
Does it sound complex? Well that's the invitation to start making sense of your own multidimensional landscape and see what this Game is about for you. I am about to turn in the observer role for awhile.
That's some intercept from the diary of our cosmic adventures within that fascinating land. Our travelling experience might be in many ways different of what people would imagine, being beyond those photos and words.
There are countless moments of equalising with the reality that local people are living in. Driving in overcrowded local buses and feeling the sheer pressure of numerous Souls, that tends to be connected by the same feeling of gradual dissemination. It's the experience of being completely raw with the reality at hand and present with the constant invitation to bring the sense of lightheartedness in the surrondings.
It's an intense journey, that asks us to be present on various levels. There is the need to organise our travels, find places to sleep and orchestrate visits of locations on the land. All of which is preceded by the direction that is picked from the higher-dimensional flow itself - looking for this small details, that are navigating our compass. 🧭
If you are following this journey, I would like to invite in sharing some coment. You can reach out with some question or offer the reflection and let's see where it might take us.
Tomorrow we are on the hike to look for some golden lemurs, maybe they can share more about the golden age, that is coming.
Warm greetings 🙏