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Ascension hubs & The Auroras

Writer's picture: miha treemiha tree

Journey towards the cosmic citizenship, part II

Part I: Human(ity) on the journey towards the Cosmos & Starseeds

In part II, I wish to introduce an idea of Ascension hubs. It addresses some of the main questions/challenges about the implication of Starseed mission on Earth.

I invite you to join us on 8th of February in the Forest Sanctuary, where we will offer seminar about the topic.


Ascension hubs can be simply seen as places in nature, where the connection to higher dimensions have been established. Therefore, the flow of Unity Consciousness can naturally connects Souls to their authentic frequencies. What does this actually mean?

In the first part of this series, I introduced the idea of Earth becoming a holiday destination for Starseeds, and in this way Ascension hubs will represent some sort of the nods in time-space continuum. They are offering the possibility to connect with different cosmic location in real time, and can reflect the sense of Home-coming for individual Souls.

Aurora hubs

Through the lenses of our earthly realm, I’m referring to land locations, that act as the portals to higher-dimensional frequencies. In many cases, those places will also serve as the star gates, sort of connecting network to different cosmic locations. When cosmic energy becomes transmitted on the location, it's being amplified by people living within those places. Once this kind of places will be(come) fully active they will serve for the purpose of healing/activating/realigning divine human template. I’m seeing this as the most straight-forward way for all of those Souls, that are on the journey of connecting with the crystalline grid of Earth and choosing it as their next destination of their Soul's journey.

Capturing the energy in the forest
Capturing the energy in the forest

Since the Guardian host of the process of planetary ascension at this time, is shifting towards the field of energy commonly known as the Auroras, people also refer to them as Aurora hubs. In a nutshell, I believe this is the same concept. However, Aurora hubs might be intrinsically linked into the crystalline grid of the Earth, whilst Ascension hubs might be eventually bridging Souls outside of this planetary reality. Just when those places will be actually becoming fully active on this planet, we might be able to examine the difference.

That's what I wrote after one of the initial contacts with the energy of the Auroras:
Rather than some particular being, they are more like a wave-like form, a fluid field of energy enfolding our space-time continuum. On the greater scheme, they act towards universal recalibration, and in our reality we can see them as some sort of stabilisers of energy field during intense times of planetary transformation. When connected to the essence of their energy, I could almost feel as if they initiate a sense of restoration in me, enabling the state of remembrance of the "primordial human experience".

The movement of ascension embedded within the awakening Souls

The seed of Ascension hubs has been planted within numerous people that are envisioning the idea of New Earth and re-creating it through their own deeds. How many of you might be inspired by the visions of regenerative permaculture sites, healing centres, land-based communities, village of Starseeds, crystalline cities…? I believe, that all of this ideas carry a seed, that can sprout and start developing towards the notion of the new planetary centres. It’s the beginning phase of establishing those places, that will eventually be able to connect in the (new) planetary grid. However, it’s definitely time to start now, if you are still thinking of working with one of them. The process goes hand in hand with harmonizing the energies of particular land location, which is a prerequisite to transform your concept towards an Ascension hub.

Becoming "at one" with rock.
Becoming "at one" with rock.

Old religious influence & call for discernment

Since the concept of Ascension and idea of Heaven on Earth have been often times brought forth in religious terms, it is important to make some discernments here.

This are not going to be places, where people become magically healed, even though Miracle Consciousness might be part of the process. They are also not meant to support the expansion, growth or build-up of the human infrastructure at the cost of other sentient life. Rather, those places would need to be able to acknowledge, honour and support thriving of the eco-systems. The role of technology is unclear to me, as such. With the current development, one would have to be very careful about the possibility that it might over-ride the sovereignty of people and consider appropriate measures.

Also there is usually natural tendency of people carrying strong starseed frequencies, to opt for the higher vibrations. That’s why it is important to keep in mind, that the process of establishing Ascension hubs actually calls for full embodiment in the lower densities and healing of the human traumas.


Also I feel it’s important to add disclaimer about various sacred sites of the ancient civilizations, that have been part of the old Earth’s grid, like pyramids, megaliths,… They are often times not part of the ascending trajectory, since many of this places have been hijacked or even intentionally manipulated throughout history. Rather than leading up to ascension, they are harvesting the energy of awakening human Souls and interlocking them on the astral plane of 4D. Even though some people might be drawn to those places for various karmic reasons, it is my feeling that they will not be re-constituted to serve the platform of ascension hubs.

Science of (meta)-physical contact

What does it take to be(come) the guardian of ascension hubs on Earth?

I believe, that people that are coming across this writing, opted for this role as part of their Soul agreement/contract. Therefore those informations might serve more as the sense of remembrance, and invitation for those Souls, to eventually be choosing to embody this role in their day-to-day life. There are probably also many people, that might not even contemplate those concepts and deeply think about them. But once establishing their contact with the field of awakened Consciousness, they would simply pursue the mission through their own creative Soulful impulse. Yet, as the movement progresses, I am seeing that the merging with the Crystalline grid of Earth is deepening on the level of their Consciousness.

Crystalline water and overseeing presence (waterfall Rinka, January)
Crystalline water and overseeing presence (waterfall Rinka, January)

In the spiritual terminology these Souls might resonate with different terms. Gatekeepers, grid/energy-workers, catalysts of awakening, cosmic facilitators, angelic starseeds, time travelers … Since they are all mastering their own craft (read part I for more info about the origin of starseeds in this realm), the science of custodianship upon the Ascension hub is relatively simple. It is through the awakening of dormant capacities within their DNA, that they become able of transmitting the frequencies from the celestial realm. Once awakened to their multidimensionality, they are able to bridge Heaven & Earth. Hence, the contact across the dimensions is happening in real time, serving as the single thread of connection as part of the planetary ascension trajectory. From there on it is like operating with the new operating system as part of their being, and continuosly bridging new waves of newly awakening Souls utilising the platform of Ascension hubs.

Opening of the Gateways – an interlink towards planetary ascension

I am seeing these kind of places as bridge in the process in times of planetary shift in Consiousness. Metaphorically speaking, you can imagine some sort of Noah's Arks, on the surface of the planet.

You might have heard me talking about the process of cleansing & breakdown of the old reality structures (Matrix) in relationship to modern society. Now, if you imagine this process happening within the individual being, this would be prerequisite for their own ascension process. Meaning that they shift the orientation of their Consciousness from 3D to higher planes. Yet, they can still operate and express, in their very own human lives.

Rising Elementals of the fire
Rising Elementals of the fire

But you can also see similar process happening in connection to nature, or rather Earth as a living being. When particular places are cleansed (or simply remained pristine) of the old Matrix Consciousness, they can become a playground for various celestial energies to anchor in the location. Often times anchoring of those celestial energies goes hand in hand with the cleansing process.

In that regards I am seeing the possibility of co-creating network of Ascension Hubs over the globe. Specifically, they are meant to serve and amplify as the safe space and "harbour" for human Souls in their awakening process. And as the old, 3D structures, progressively diminish, they might serve as the "heavenly bridge" for multiple Souls on their way Home.

Are you in the process of establishing your own Ascension hub or wish to get to know more? You can join us for the Seminar in the Forest Sanctuary or write to us if you would like to get involved with in the process. At this point, we are offering unique opportunity to join us and become part of our Space by the Forest.

miha 🌳

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