#Paradise #ancientLemuria #ParadigmShift #CosmicEmbrace #ForestSanctuary #GardenofLife #FutureVisions
One of the memories that came awake on my journey is that of a Paradise land. Looking down at the planet Earth, that was soon to become my next destination on this Cosmic Odysee, filled my being with joy. There was something very pristine about life and the environment there. The magnified pull of crystal clear waters, exceptional diversity of flora & fauna, and a growing sense of anticipation. What actually awaits me on the surface of the planet?

Retrieving those memories of ancient times transcends the understanding of linear human thinking. At that point, I was still far from the physical, travelling as a sort of energy form throughout interdimensional space. When I'm tapping in those memories in my current human experience, it actually doesn't feel so distant. However, through the landscape of this world, those times would actually be considered as aeons ago. But that is the nature of growing multidimensional awareness; one becomes able to connect the experiences that are happening within the full range of a particular time-space continuum.
So, back to my earliest memories of this planetary body and the movement happening since then. Within the visions of an intriguing planetary landscape, there was a sense of inner knowing. The conditions of the environment down there, called towards crafting the emergence of a new species. That would be the early iteration of a humanoid-like being on this planet. It felt like various cosmic energies were summoned, to contribute their imprint and co-create the evolutionary journey of emergent beingness. The idea of a divine human being started to land among many Souls present here at the time.
Archetypal Lemurian experiences
That is how my adventure on this planet actually began, together with numerous Souls gathered from all corners of the Universe. Speaking of this early experiences, I often times refer to this epoch as archetypal memories of ancient Lemuria. What did it look like?
The experience of physical life was held at a slightly different vibratory rate - our Consciousness being centred around the 6D field. This means that our bodies were less dense, carrying more fluidity and sensitivity in its make-up. At the same time, the feeling of interconnection with the natural environment and other sentient life remained uninterrupted. Being centred in the field of Unity Consciousness also allowed the connection to our cosmic blueprint. Actually, our mission was about gradually ushering more of it here, through our daily engagement with the environment surrounding us.

"Land of Mu", as we supposedly referred to the earthly landscape, carried something sacred. After all, our earthly home was directly interrelating with other celestial bodies. It was resembling the greater eco-system, that we were all part of.
It actually took a while to harmonize the incoming of our higher-dimensional aspects in the "Lemurian bodies". Yet after a period of acclimatization also the physical experience became sublime. Gradually, it was all building towards the notion of a Paradise land, as the greater connectivity reached many Souls in the emergent human species. We've almost made it to the point of harmonizing various cosmic principles, unifying their earthly representatives and actively embrace the stewardship of life on planet Earth.
Fall from Grace and "modern humans"
However, as carried down in various myths in human stories, consequently there was a growing sense of adversity too. It would take another bunch of articles to convey what actually went wrong. To me it still looks like even some Sci-fi thriller would fail to summarize the "fall from Grace" and decline in human Consciousness that happened since early Lemurian times. In any way, it almost feels like divinity has been stolen from the emergent human species at the time, shifting its trajectory towards life in greater separation.

Here we are, living our lives as "modern humans", and in many ways collectively separated from nature and our multidimensional blueprint. Yet, some of us are retrieving the memories of earliest humanoid incarnations on this planet and greater mission within our planetary adventure. How might it all influence the future and trajectory of life going onwards?
Shift in Consciousness and Ascension trajectory
Through the perspective of cosmic awareness, which holds the blueprint for my writings, we have to reassure the well-being of the planet as an eco-system. The point was reached where the only way in doing so, appears to be in another interdimensional Shift. What does this mean?
In modern spirituality, one can easily notice the growing momentum of the Starseed movement, which is in a nutshell designed to usher the New Paradigm of "Heaven on Earth".
Since my initial engagement with the planetary mission, I would say this is the calling for human Souls to retrieve the energetic blueprint seeded in ancient Lemurian times. It is the process that entails working with a Soul's individual karmic template, balancing out the energy of various incarnations throughout this reality construct. It eventually leads to the awakening of one's multidimensional connections.

For the collective life on this planet it calls towards retrieving the sense of interconnectivity, sacredness and stewardship. In this regard one can notice many societal, as well as alternative and nature oriented movements, that are offering the idea of a sustainable future if humans are to reconnect with nature. Seeing through the greater scheme of the planetary transformation - that idea is simply not enough for the nature of Paradigm Shift. Often times those movements are being energetically manipulated by various entities in the field that keep suppressing the awakening of individual human Souls, to continue harnessing their energy. In some way, the metaphorical glass ceiling of societal consciousness has been tightly kept in place, preventing most of the people to recognize what is truly going on.
Window of opportunity
The recent emergence of Cosmic Embrace reflects that even the interfering energies will be eventually futile in their diminishing approach. The bells are ringing strongly for anyone daring to look into the Truth of what's actually going on.

In the years to come, Gaia, the soul inhabiting this planetary body, will continue her journey to anchor her Consciousness back in the middle realm (around 6D), inviting human Souls to join. One can already notice the growing Islands of awakened Consciousness on the land. Those are places in nature where life is being regenerated and harmony is being establishing amongst all sentient life. They will gradually form the template for re-emerging humanoid life on the planet, eventually forming a network that interrelates with the Crystalline grid of the Earth. That is where the future awaits, for all of the Souls that are ready to embrace life in the New Paradigm. Are you one of us?
Invitation to join us in and around the Forest Sanctuary
Besides the work in harmonizing principles in the energy field, and assistance in the awakening journey of (star)souls, the focus of Cosmic Embrace goes in the direction of co-creating the Garden of Life. It's a simple idea of stewarding life and bringing alive our creative expressions, honouring and building connections to all sentient life. Our "incubator" stretches around Forest Sanctuary, as we are opening the space for divine seeds to become part of a Paradise land in the making.
Gatherings in the Forest Sanctuary are designed to support you on multiple levels. On one hand, they are meant to support the evolutionary Pathway of your Soul, utilizing an energetic portal to align with the greater movement of benevolent energies on this planet. On the other hand, our gatherings speak directly to your personal human journey, offering the space for topics & visions that are currently present in your life.

If you are interested in developing your unique Pathway towards New Paradigm and retrieving the sense of Paradise on this planet, you are warmly invited to join our events.
Please check out more about our following meetings here: https://www.cosmicembrace.space/post/befriend-your-cosmic-self
It's always a privilege for me to connect with awakening Souls, thank you all for remembering 🍂🙏🍀
Looking forward to meet You 🤗
miha 🌳